My heart was already broken-

Shattered to pieces.

It’s been sewn back together with the finest thread,

Unable to break again.

All that will happen is the thread comes undone

Letting the broken pieces cascade down to their dormant seats.

My heart was already broken

Which means, you cannot break me

Only untangle me.

The pain subsided.
The memories no longer invade like an unwavering assault on the mind.
The taste of your name is no longer sweet in my mouth,
But rather something foul that should not be spoken.
Hind sight was gained.
It made me see all the things that I had missed,
All the warning signs suggesting danger ahead,
All this pain could’ve been avoided if I paid closer attention,
If only I had read your actions over the words you spewed,
I could have started my life with my future wife sooner-
But, it had to happen like that.
It had to happen the way it did,
She and I weren’t ready then,
She and I watched, learned, and grew together like and undeniable force-
All the while I still tried to make this work with you,
You are what had to destroy me to bring her to me.
The pain finally subsided-
The destruction caused was meant to happen,
So she and I could pave a path,
A path that has so much promise for a life of happiness.

Home is where you go to at the end of a long day.
Home is where you feel the safest.
Home is where you’re free to share and express who you really are on the inside.
Home is where you find your sanity in this crazy world.
Home is where you bare your soul.
My home is not a house.
My house is just a shelter.
My home is a person.
A person that when I look at her, I feel like I’m home and that person is specifically for me.
A person who makes me feel so calm, happy and loved on a daily basis.
My home is in your arms.
My home is in your heart.
It is you-
You are my home.


As I lay here in bed I’m thinking of all the wonderful things.
I’m thinking about the love and laughter,
The affection and conversations,
All of the glances and stolen kisses.
The warmth of your touch,
The smile you share every time our eyes meet.
The promise of tomorrow and everyday there after.
As I lay here in bed I’m thinking of how I have no worries
The pure contentment felt that is undeniably exquisite
All the time spent together is not time wasted
It is time spent by lovers, two friends yearning for endless days and endless nights
As I lay here in bed I’m thinking of all the wonderful things
The wonderful spirit that is you.

Painted Walls

You painted the walls with such beauty and care
Everyone would stop and stare in awe.
It’s the kind of beauty that makes you want to step closer and take a finer look-
Then something strange happens.
What happened-
You see the imperfections and admire the painted walls
You notice something else-
The imperfections from before are darker, seeping through the mirage before you.
You start to scrap the layers
What you find is almost menacing.
It’s an image of bitterness, cruelty and spite.
Oh, how you painted the walls with such beauty and care
Making one mistake,
You needed another coat to cover what you wanted buried inside.

No Longer Yours

I died-
When I saw you,
It was like an explosion of images.
There was nothing,
Not a glimmer-
Not a flash of light,
Not even a whisper of hope.
I was doomed from the beginning-
To hopelessly love you,
To devout myself to you foolishly,
Affectionately yours.
Oh, what a sweet torture this was,
How it must end,
Yet- I yearn for more
Not knowing that you are everything I need to avoid.
I died when I saw you-
For now I can stand on my own and finally say-
I am no longer yours.

It’s deafening-
The silence.
It’s like being in a large field,
With nothing but empty land in all directions.
I shout out to you
But it’s unheard.
I try to move forward and catch up to you,
But I’m tangled in the weeds and I fall far behind.
I shout out again and again.
“Wait! Wait! I love you!”
Still, you move forward
While I remain tangled in the weeds
Yearning to be heard.
Wanting for you to come back.
I’m left alone in a tangled nightmare-
Trying not to strangle myself in the tightly wrapped
All consuming vines.


There was a little girl who played in the sunlight all day.
She danced and played with the shadows that casted.
Painfully ignorant to the fact that that was not her shadow.
She did not play with the shadows caste from the light.
Until she had grown up and realized.
She’s been playing with the darkness.
The darkness that lurks,
The darkness that dwells within her mind.
She’s unable to escape
This is all she knows.
There was a little girl who craved the sunlight.
Who wanted to play and dance in the warmth of the light instead of the coldness of the shadows.
There was a little girl who played in the darkness
Blissfully unaware that that’s where she belonged.